A New Way To Score Sports and Concert Tickets for up to 60% Off

A New Way To Score Sports and Concert Tickets for up to 60% Off

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A New Way To Score Sports and Concert Tickets for up to 60% Off
Ever wonder what the guy sitting next to you paid for his tickets?  Did he pay face value, maybe more?

Well, these days, there’s a good chance that he paid less.  In fact, maybe up to 60 percent less.  It’s all thanks to a hot new ticket service called ScoreBig. 
The team at ScoreBig is made up of live event fanatics with deep sports, music, and theater industry experience, so they’ve attended a lot of games, shows and concerts, and really understand how ticketing works.  Their company is the latest of a new breed of Internet businesses that are using the power of the Web and technology to solve problems for consumers. 
ScoreBig is making tickets more affordable for the casual sports, music, and theater fan through a solution that also addresses issues in the live event industry: helping to sell the large amount of tickets that go unsold every year.  The result of ScoreBig’s efforts is a revolutionary new way to buy tickets.
Here’s how it works: ScoreBig fans select an event, the number of tickets, and the area they want to sit in.  Then, they make an offer for the tickets.  ScoreBig provides guidance on the retail price for those specific tickets and what other customers have been saving on those seats.
For example, a customer may get guidance along the lines of “the face value plus service and delivery fees for this ticket is $150…other users have saved more than 50 percent off the retail price in the last 24 hours on this deal.”  You can use this guidance to make your offer.  If your offer is accepted, you get the tickets; and, if your offer is rejected you usually get an attractive counter offer.
Not only are there never any shipping or handling fees of any kind, but every ticket is guaranteed to be at least 10 percent off retail, and many are up to 60 percent off! If your offer is accepted, that is what you pay.
What’s also great about the service is that their seats are not all in the nose-bleed section—they have a lot of three, four, and five star seats.  Also, it’s not only last minute tickets--you can buy tickets months in advance or just before the event.
ScoreBig is a fun, great reason to get out and start doing exiting stuff more often while saving money.  With prices up to 60 percent off, it’s little wonder that more and more people are giving it a shot.


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