Lowongan Kerja Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013
Lowongan Kerja Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013
Lowongan Kerja Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013 - Update Postingan Kali ini Info-Kita.net Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang Lowongan Kerja Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua. Lebih Jelas dan Detail Baca Selengkapnya.
PT Zeelandia Indonesia
Kami Perusahaan Food Industry coklat dan bahan-bahan kue yang dipasarkan pada Bakery, Hotel, Restoran, Cafe dan Industry roti yang berkembang pesat membutukan profesional untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
Technical Advisor Baker Manado
Manado (Sulawesi Utara)
Mendorong peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan dan peningkatan pemasaran produk melalui kegiatan demo aplikasi produk yang inovativ dan trend setter (recipe), penyediaan jasa layanan teknis yang tepat (demo, hands on) dan complain handling atas aplikasi product yang ada.
Kirimkan cv dan foto terakhir lewat email ke : amastuti@gandummas.co.idatau fax 021 5525721
Closing Date:16-06-13
PT Pancious Tirta Jaya
An expanding and leading casual dining restaurant in Jakarta is looking for highly motivated and qualified candidates for the following positions:
Cook Helper (CH)
Jakarta Raya
Interested candidate may email the application letter CV and recent photo to:
Closing Date:6-6-13
Papandayan Hotel
the best 5 star boutique style hotel in Bandung with it’s own unique character of warm, caring hospitality. Trusted quality of service and unique innovative products
Assisten Chief Engineer
Bandung (Jawa Barat)
Responsible for all goods and equipment hotel operational and functioning properly, maintained, and efficient. Supervise and control all activities that include electrical, refrigeration, plumbing, heating, cooling, structure, parking area, As well as ensuring that the safety and comfort of guests and employees intact.
How to apply
Send to :
Closing Date:6-6-13
Berry Hotel Kuta
Berry Hotel, your ideal one-stop-shop stay during your holiday in Bali.
Are you young, energetic and adventure-loving? Are you newlyweds who want to escape your hometown to Indonesia most famous paradise? Are you young-at-heart business executives looking to host a small warm party, function or corporate event? Or are you a youthful small family who wants to get loads of fun with your kids? You have come to the right place! Berry Hotel is the perfect venue to accommodate all of your young-driven needs.
A hidden jewel, Berry Hotel is ideally located just a few minutes away from the hustle and bustle Kuta. It allows you to enjoy a tranquil sleepover yet it only takes a wink if you need to taste Bali most touristy part. The hotel provides a comfy, traffic-free stay aiming at giving each and every visitor the closest feeling to home during their vacation.
Berry Hotel ( http://www.theberryhotels.com/ ) looking for candidates to join our FUNtastic team with the following position :
E- Commerce Officer
For interested candidate, please send your application letter, cv and recently your photograph to :
Closing Date:6-6-13
PT Oceanika Investindo (Ninety Nine Restaurant)
We are a well established F&B industry in Jakarta now enquiring professional to join our team
Jakarta Raya
For those interested in the vacancy above please send your application letter with detailed resume, stating details of qualifications and summary of experiences, present and expected salary, current photograph and other documents to: hrdoceanica@gmail.com
Closing Date:16-06-13
Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA HOTEL, RESTORAN" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di profesi yang anda inginkan untuk bulan Juni 2013. Salam sukses....
Lowongan Kerja Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013 - Update Postingan Kali ini Info-Kita.net Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang Lowongan Kerja Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua. Lebih Jelas dan Detail Baca Selengkapnya.
Lowongan Kerja Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013 - Lowongan Kerja Juni 2013, update Lowongan Kerja Juni 2013, Lowongan Kerja Di Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013. Berikut Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Hotel, Restoran Juni 2013 Selengkapnya..
PT Zeelandia Indonesia
Kami Perusahaan Food Industry coklat dan bahan-bahan kue yang dipasarkan pada Bakery, Hotel, Restoran, Cafe dan Industry roti yang berkembang pesat membutukan profesional untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
Technical Advisor Baker Manado
Manado (Sulawesi Utara)
Mendorong peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan dan peningkatan pemasaran produk melalui kegiatan demo aplikasi produk yang inovativ dan trend setter (recipe), penyediaan jasa layanan teknis yang tepat (demo, hands on) dan complain handling atas aplikasi product yang ada.
- Pengalaman min 3 tahun
- Pendidikan min D3 Perhotelan specialist Pastry & Bakery
- Mempunyai skill yang baik di bidang Pastry, Bakery dan pengolahan coklat
- Dapat melakukan presentasi /demo dengan baik
- Berkepribadian menarik dengan communication skill yang baik
- Inovatif dan kreatif
- Menguasai bahasa inggris
- Familiar dengan MS Office, internet
- Penempatan di Manado
- Posisi yang ditawarkan berstatus Karyawan tetap dengan fasilitas Asuransi Kesehatan dan Bonus Tahunan
Kirimkan cv dan foto terakhir lewat email ke : amastuti@gandummas.co.idatau fax 021 5525721
Closing Date:16-06-13
PT Pancious Tirta Jaya
An expanding and leading casual dining restaurant in Jakarta is looking for highly motivated and qualified candidates for the following positions:
Cook Helper (CH)
Jakarta Raya
- Male/Female, max. 35 years old.
- Have minimal 1 year experience as a Cook
- Excellent in communication and team work
- Very good creative and innovation skills
- Have a good skill in western or pastry
- Pacific Place, Plaza Indonesia, Mal Kepala Gading, Mal Taman Anggrek, Mal Pondok Indah, Senayan City, Emporium Pluit
Interested candidate may email the application letter CV and recent photo to:
Closing Date:6-6-13
Papandayan Hotel
the best 5 star boutique style hotel in Bandung with it’s own unique character of warm, caring hospitality. Trusted quality of service and unique innovative products
Assisten Chief Engineer
Bandung (Jawa Barat)
Responsible for all goods and equipment hotel operational and functioning properly, maintained, and efficient. Supervise and control all activities that include electrical, refrigeration, plumbing, heating, cooling, structure, parking area, As well as ensuring that the safety and comfort of guests and employees intact.
- Male
- Graduated from Management Technic
- Age 20-35 Years old
- Strong leadership
- Min 1 years experience
How to apply
Send to :
Closing Date:6-6-13
Berry Hotel Kuta
Berry Hotel, your ideal one-stop-shop stay during your holiday in Bali.
Are you young, energetic and adventure-loving? Are you newlyweds who want to escape your hometown to Indonesia most famous paradise? Are you young-at-heart business executives looking to host a small warm party, function or corporate event? Or are you a youthful small family who wants to get loads of fun with your kids? You have come to the right place! Berry Hotel is the perfect venue to accommodate all of your young-driven needs.
A hidden jewel, Berry Hotel is ideally located just a few minutes away from the hustle and bustle Kuta. It allows you to enjoy a tranquil sleepover yet it only takes a wink if you need to taste Bali most touristy part. The hotel provides a comfy, traffic-free stay aiming at giving each and every visitor the closest feeling to home during their vacation.
Berry Hotel ( http://www.theberryhotels.com/ ) looking for candidates to join our FUNtastic team with the following position :
E- Commerce Officer
- Understand about e-commerce
- Min. S1
- Familiar with Social Media
- Had been training experience as e-commerce
- Willing to learn
- Understand about manage SEO
- Familiar with Hotel system (Power Pro)
For interested candidate, please send your application letter, cv and recently your photograph to :
Closing Date:6-6-13
PT Oceanika Investindo (Ninety Nine Restaurant)
We are a well established F&B industry in Jakarta now enquiring professional to join our team
Jakarta Raya
- He / She is responsible and accountable for the entire kitchen operation.
- He / She must be Hands-On in every aspect of the kitchen, including and not limited to produce kitchen products and maintain food and hygiene standards.
- He / She providing hands on training and education to kitchen staffs.
- Male / Female.
- Minimum age 35 years old.
- 5 years experience in similar position.
- Minimum education D3/S1 majoring in Food Production.
- Fluent in English.
- Computer literate.
- Having strong knowledge of all variant both kitchen products.
- Have a strong mature leadership, problem solving and decision making skills.
- Having good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Having food safety training along with relevant culinary and hygienic qualification.
- Passionate by customer satisfaction and have a high qualitative standard level of product.
- Ability to train existing and new junior staffs.
- Having good knowledge in product cost and quality.
- Full-Time position(s) available.
For those interested in the vacancy above please send your application letter with detailed resume, stating details of qualifications and summary of experiences, present and expected salary, current photograph and other documents to: hrdoceanica@gmail.com
Closing Date:16-06-13
Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA HOTEL, RESTORAN" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di profesi yang anda inginkan untuk bulan Juni 2013. Salam sukses....
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