Lowongan Kerja Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013
Lowongan Kerja Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013
Lowongan Kerja Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013 - Update Postingan Kali ini Info-Kita.net Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang Lowongan Kerja Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua. Lebih Jelas dan Detail Baca Selengkapnya.
PT. Metropolitan Kentjana, Tbk. (Pondok Indah Mall)
Pondok Indah Mall salah satu unit usaha dari Pondok Indah Group sedang mencari kandidat yang dinamis, enerjik, bertanggungjawab dan menyukai tantangan untuk bergabung bersama kami menempati posisi-posisi berikut ini:
Asst. Manager Finance
Jakarta Raya
Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda beserta CV dan foto terakhir melalui email ke:
dengan mencantumkan Posisi yang dituju di Subject Email anda, atau kirimkan melalui pos ke :
HRD & GA Department
PT. Metropolitan Kentjana, Tbk., Pondok Indah Mall
PO.Box 1196 JKS 12011
dengan mencantumkan posisi dituju di bagian kiri atas amplop lamaran.
Hanya kandidat yang terpilih yang akan kami hubungi kembali melalui telepon atau email untuk mengikuti proses seleksi.
Closing Date:16-06-13
PT Premium Technica was established in 2004 with a line of business focusing on aftermarket parts, filtration systems and industrial hydraulics filters. With its huge experience on the Indonesian road transport and mining segments, the company are importers and distributors for many European aftermarket OEM manufacturers and offer alternative and value added quick fix solutions to our customers.
Good service to our customers represents our ultimate goal. The company offers a network of sales and service outlets spreading to most major cities, some of which operates on a 24/7 basis. We look for individuals who are achievement driven, passionate and ready to accept new and greater challenges for the following positions:
Jr. Accounting
Jakarta Raya
Please send your CV with position code to
Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo No. 233, Jakarta - 12870
or email to :
with code position on subject,
Closing Date:03-06-13
PT Sukabumi Taman Sari
Perusahaan di Jakarta membutuhkan segera:
Staff Administrasi Keuangan & Piutang
Jakarta Raya
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV , Photo terakhir ke :
Jl. Slamet Riyadi no.7 Matraman, Jakarta Timur 13150
Email : oki.herawati@ktitan.com
Closing Date:16-06-13
As part of the FMCG arm of Wipro Ltd. UNZA is amongst South East Asia’s leading manufacturer and marketers of personal care products, bringing Asian focused brands to millions of Asian consumers. Having more than 45 brands, 275 products in over 1,500 packaging formats, we lead our brands in the personal care products and the household products market.
To answer our business expansion, we challenge the strong, dynamic, passionate, driven and persistent professionals to join our team as:
Accounting Staff
Jakarta Raya
Please send your application not later than June 16th , 2013 to:
Kompleks Industri & Pergudangan Semanan Megah Kav.22
JL.Daan Mogot Km 18, Jakarta Barat 11850
Or send email to:
Do not send more than 200kb file and indicate the position code “AS” in your email subject.
Closing Date:16-06-13
In order to accommodate its rapid growth, PT. DYANDRA PROMOSINDO, one of the leading exhibition organizer in Indonesia, also part of Kompas Gramedia Group, is seeking individuals who are dynamic, team-oriented, and communicative for Jakarta based positions to fill following position:
Finance Staff
Jakarta Raya
If you think you are up to the challenges, please send your resume, recent photograph, along with copies of credentials to:
Human Resource Department
PT Dyandra PromosindoThe City Tower Lt.7
Jl. MH Thamrin No 81
Jakarta Pusat10310
(code: FIN)
Email: hrd.dyandra@gmail.com
Closing Date:16-06-13
Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA AKUNTANSI KEUANGAN" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di profesi yang anda inginkan untuk bulan Juni 2013. Salam sukses...
Lowongan Kerja Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013 - Update Postingan Kali ini Info-Kita.net Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang Lowongan Kerja Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua. Lebih Jelas dan Detail Baca Selengkapnya.
Lowongan Kerja Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013 - Lowongan Kerja Juni 2013, update Lowongan Kerja Juni 2013, Lowongan Kerja Sebagai Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013 . Berikut Lowongan Kerja Terbaru profesi Akuntansi, Keuangan Juni 2013 Selengkapnya..
PT. Metropolitan Kentjana, Tbk. (Pondok Indah Mall)
Pondok Indah Mall salah satu unit usaha dari Pondok Indah Group sedang mencari kandidat yang dinamis, enerjik, bertanggungjawab dan menyukai tantangan untuk bergabung bersama kami menempati posisi-posisi berikut ini:
Asst. Manager Finance
Jakarta Raya
- Pria
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pendidikan S1 Keuangan dari Universitas ternama
- Pengalaman sebagai Supervisor di bidangnya minimal 2 tahun
- Memiliki kemampuan bekerja secara administratif
- Memiliki ketelitian, ketekunan, integritas, disiplin, mampu bekerjasama dan tahan menghadapi situasi yang menekan.
- Memiliki kemampuan memimpin.
- Menguasai komputer (MS Office)
- Mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris lisan maupun tulisan.
Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda beserta CV dan foto terakhir melalui email ke:
dengan mencantumkan Posisi yang dituju di Subject Email anda, atau kirimkan melalui pos ke :
HRD & GA Department
PT. Metropolitan Kentjana, Tbk., Pondok Indah Mall
PO.Box 1196 JKS 12011
dengan mencantumkan posisi dituju di bagian kiri atas amplop lamaran.
Hanya kandidat yang terpilih yang akan kami hubungi kembali melalui telepon atau email untuk mengikuti proses seleksi.
Closing Date:16-06-13
PT Premium Technica was established in 2004 with a line of business focusing on aftermarket parts, filtration systems and industrial hydraulics filters. With its huge experience on the Indonesian road transport and mining segments, the company are importers and distributors for many European aftermarket OEM manufacturers and offer alternative and value added quick fix solutions to our customers.
Good service to our customers represents our ultimate goal. The company offers a network of sales and service outlets spreading to most major cities, some of which operates on a 24/7 basis. We look for individuals who are achievement driven, passionate and ready to accept new and greater challenges for the following positions:
Jr. Accounting
Jakarta Raya
- Male / Female, max.25 years old
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
- Required language(s): English
- At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Finance - General/Cost Accounting or equivalent.
- Understand Accounting Basic and Tax Basic.
- Able to work with computer (Min. MS. Office)
Please send your CV with position code to
Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo No. 233, Jakarta - 12870
or email to :
with code position on subject,
Closing Date:03-06-13
PT Sukabumi Taman Sari
Perusahaan di Jakarta membutuhkan segera:
Staff Administrasi Keuangan & Piutang
Jakarta Raya
- Wanita
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan Minimum D3 / S1 Jurusan Akutansi atau Manajemen dengan minimum IPK 2.75
- Mampu mengoperasikan computer khususnya MS Office
- Teliti serta memiliki kemampuan analisis yang baik
- jujur, bertanggung jawab, berprilaku baik, sanggup bekerja dalam tekanan, berkeinginan untuk belajar hal baru dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim / individual
- Mampu bekerja lembur bila diperlukan
- Diutamakan tidak terikat kontrak dengan perusahaan (dapat segera bekerja)
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV , Photo terakhir ke :
Jl. Slamet Riyadi no.7 Matraman, Jakarta Timur 13150
Email : oki.herawati@ktitan.com
Closing Date:16-06-13
As part of the FMCG arm of Wipro Ltd. UNZA is amongst South East Asia’s leading manufacturer and marketers of personal care products, bringing Asian focused brands to millions of Asian consumers. Having more than 45 brands, 275 products in over 1,500 packaging formats, we lead our brands in the personal care products and the household products market.
To answer our business expansion, we challenge the strong, dynamic, passionate, driven and persistent professionals to join our team as:
Accounting Staff
Jakarta Raya
- Male / Female,
- Max age 29 years old
- Holding bachelor in Accounting from reputable University
- Familiar with MS Office (Especially Ms Excel)
- Proficiency with SAP
- Proficiency in written and spoken English
- Have good knowledge standard of business conduct
- Fresh Graduate will be Considered
- Will be placed in Jakarta
Please send your application not later than June 16th , 2013 to:
Kompleks Industri & Pergudangan Semanan Megah Kav.22
JL.Daan Mogot Km 18, Jakarta Barat 11850
Or send email to:
Do not send more than 200kb file and indicate the position code “AS” in your email subject.
Closing Date:16-06-13
In order to accommodate its rapid growth, PT. DYANDRA PROMOSINDO, one of the leading exhibition organizer in Indonesia, also part of Kompas Gramedia Group, is seeking individuals who are dynamic, team-oriented, and communicative for Jakarta based positions to fill following position:
Finance Staff
Jakarta Raya
- Female
- Age max 27 years
- Education S1
- Experience in Finance / Accounting 1-3 years
- Can make financial statements
- Fresh graduate
- Full-Time positions available.
- Analytical personality, excellent interpersonal, highly motivated, dynamic, high degree of integrity, dedicated to the job, and a good team player
If you think you are up to the challenges, please send your resume, recent photograph, along with copies of credentials to:
Human Resource Department
PT Dyandra PromosindoThe City Tower Lt.7
Jl. MH Thamrin No 81
Jakarta Pusat10310
(code: FIN)
Email: hrd.dyandra@gmail.com
Closing Date:16-06-13
Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA AKUNTANSI KEUANGAN" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di profesi yang anda inginkan untuk bulan Juni 2013. Salam sukses...
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