Download Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dan Gratis
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Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting a research about an analysisof grammatical errors in adjectiveclauses.
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Download Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dan Gratis
An Analysis of grammatical Errors in Using Adjective Clauses
A. Background of the Study
English, as an international language, is very important for Indonesian people.It is the reason that English is the first foreign languagewhich is taught as a compulsory subject in both junior high school and senior high school. But mastering English as foreign language is not an easy job. When people learn a foreign language, they often face interferences, where they apply their mother tongue or first structure to the foreignlanguage structure which is differentfrom their native language. Indonesian students learn English as the first foreign language. Because English is a new language, thus, they get some difficulties and also need much time to learn.
The objective of teaching and learning English is to develop four language skills: listening, speaking, readingand writing. One of the elements that aretaught to supportthe four language skills is grammar. In understanding grammar, teachers recently do not teach grammar specifically and separately. They combine it with differentlanguage skills communicatively. This makes the students often confuse in understanding grammatical rules.
An adjective clause as part of a complex sentence is one of topics which aretaught in Senior High School.According to Betty Scrhampfer Azar, “an
adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes,
identifies, or gives further information about a noun. An adjective clause is also called a relative clause.”1 Raymond Murphy says that a relative clause tells the readers what the speaker means about person or thing (or what kind of person or thing).2
The difficulties of the studentsin learning adjective clause sometimes bringerrors. Errors indicatethat the learners construct their own rules on the basis of input data which is differentfrom the target language.As Julian Edge states in Jeremy Harmer’s book, errors cannot correct themselves, so they need explanation about the reasons they happen.3
In language learning,the study of learner’s errors is needed becausethe
result of the study gives some contributions on attempts to deal with the students’ difficulties. The teacher can infer the nature of the students’ knowledge and find what they still have to learn by analyzing the students’ errors. Moreover, the result of the study focusing on students’ errors can be used as a means to measure whether the studentshave mastered the language taught by the teacher or not. It is also as a means to measure the teacher’s success in teaching a language.

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