Download Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap dan Gratis

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Case Study of CTL Approach Implementation for the English Teaching

This research aimed to find the improvement of students’ writing skill using Sequence Pictures. The researcher used A Classroom Action Research (CAR). The researcher conducted two cycles, where each cycle consisted of three meetings. This classroom action research was done at VII.A class of MTs. Aisyiyah Sungguminasa.
The researcher used two instruments namely: written test and observation checklist. From the written test, the researcher found that most of the students were very difficult in writing especially here in writing procedure text. Students were very hard for arranging the steps in procedure text because they lost their idea and sometimes they did not know what they want to write in the next step. Therefore, the researcher conducted this research to solve those problems. Here, the researcher trying to use the Sequence Picture in writing procedure text in the way to change the students’writing skill in procedure text. With using pictures, it can stimulate the students to write what they want to write in every step.
After several meetings, this research found out that the use of Sequence Picture is significantly effective to improve the students’ writing skill especially in writing procedure text. The result of the research was the mean score obtained by the students through pre test, test of cycle 1 and second cycle. Where the students’ mean score in writing procedure text in the second cycle was greater than in the first cycle and in pre-test (83.78 > 78.90 > 67.31). It means that this is a significant difference between the result of the students in pre test, first cycle and second cycle.

The students have positive attitude toward learning using sequence pictures. It is indicated by the result of the questionnaires and observation checklist. In observation checklist, there is improvement of the students’ participation from the first cycle to the second cycle, where in the first cycle, the mean score of students’ participation was 63.79% becomes 76.82% in the second cycle. It means that the students’ participation got 13.03% progress. And in questionnaire, most of students have positive attitude in learning process.


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