Guest Wife (1945) 720p BRRip 600MB

Guest Wife (1945) 720p BRRip 600MB

Guest Wife (1945) 720p BRRip 600MB - Kembali Lagi Pada Postingan Kali ini Blog Akan Berbagi Informasi Terbaru Khusus Buat Sobat semua yakninya tentang Guest Wife (1945) 720p BRRip 600MB, semoga bisa Bermanfaat ya Buat Sobat Semua.

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Christopher Price, a small-town bank executive, continues to be loyal to and idolize his boyhood friend, Joseph Jefferson Parker, a famous war correspondent. But Chris’s wife, Mary, is none to fond of Joe and tired of her husband’s idolizing. On the eve of the Price’s second-honeymoon trip to New York City, Joe arrives and tells Chris that he needs someone to pose as his wife in order to fool his boss in NYC, who thinks Joe got married to an overseas woman while on an assignment. Chris pushes Mary into posing as Joe’s wife. In New York, this leads to many complications and misunderstandings, with Mary finally deciding to teach Chris and Joe a lesson by making them believe she is in love with Joe.


[Movie Title]……………………..[Guest Wife]
[Release Date]……………………..[1945]
[Genre]……………………..[Comedy | Romance]
[Encoder]……………………..[Team TinyMoviez]

Guest Wife (1945) 720p BRRip 600MB


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